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The City of Eldon will hold our Spring Cleanup Day event May 12, 2022. This is a one-day event. This annual event gives all our residents a chance to get rid of unwanted items and helps promote beautification of our city. Eldon feels this is a worthwhile service to our residents and an investment in the tidiness of our community. During Spring Cleanup, city workers will pick up NO MORE THAN ONE of the following:
Refrigerators, freezers, carpet, air conditioners, lawn mowers, water heaters, bicycles, tricycles, washers & dyers, windows, mattresses and box springs, furniture.
Car parts weighing no more than 40 pounds and scrap metal will be picked up.
Tires, new construction or demolition debris [including lumber and boards, concrete, bricks, asphalt, roofing
materials and wastes that are toxic, hazardous, infectious, explosive or liquids.
Please bag the items so they are not loose. Loose items will not be picked up.
Spring and summer weather will soon be upon us and the following are just a few reminders to residents in order to keep our city safe and clean.
- Grass must be a height of no more than 9 inches. Tall grass is not only unsightly, it also attracts bugs/insects, rodents and snakes.
- Grass must not be mowed into the street. If this happens, property owners are responsible for removing the grass. The grass will wash to the storm sewers when it rains clogging them and backing up the water.
- It is unlawful to burn any garbage in trash containers or any other place within the city. Combustible yard waste may be burned, provided objectionable odors and smoke nuisance does not occur or a fire embargo is not in effect as declared by the fire chief or mayor. Refuse, rubbish, construction and demolition waste, toxic and hazardous waste, shall not be burned within the city.
- With the warmer weather, more people are walking. Pet owners are reminded that it is unlawful to allow dogs to run at large. Be considerate of others. They don’t know if your pet is friendly or if it will bite.
- It’s important to recycle, but it is also important to make sure the material you are placing in your bin is recyclable. Nonrecyclable material contaminates good recyclable materials. If you have questions about what is recyclable, call City Hall at 652-7510 or call the Recycling Center at 641-683-0685. Some common items that are mistaken for recyclables are pop and beer containers, gable top milk and juice containers, gift wrap, styrofoam, bubble wrap, or other plastic wrap, plastic bags, paper plates, paper towels, napkins, and tissue. Clothes, shoes and diapers are not recyclable. Please put these items in the garbage to go to the landfill.
- With July 4th coming soon, we remind you that fireworks are not allowed inside city limits.
Eldon city council meets the second Tuesday each month at 5:30pm. If you have business for the agenda, items are required to be submitted by the end of business
Thursday, prior to the regular meeting.
Reminder that sewer rates will be adjusted for July billing. Rates will be $22.10 per month for the first 1,000 gallon and $5.20 per month over 1,000 gallons.
Rates have been increased due to the sewer project.
The City of Eldon would like to remind all residents that permits are required before certain work can be done to improve your property. All permits are required to be authorized by the city council prior to work being complete. Below is a list:
- Building Permits for all structures including a deck and a lean to.
- Fence Permits are required when you are constructing a new fence.
- Driveway Permits are required if you construct or repair a driveway.
- Permits are required for all excavations of water service pipes.
- Permits are required for all excavations of sewer pipes.
Call Before You Dig
Spring is here. Please remember that contractors and professional excavators are required by law to notify Iowa One Call at least 48 hours prior to ALL excavations. Upon notifying the Iowa One Call center of a pending excavation the contractor will be assigned a ticket number. Contractors and sub-contractors may not use the same dig ticket number. If a contractor is to excavate on a homeowner’s property, it is the contractor who is required to notify Iowa One call for locate markings – not the homeowner. The number is 1-800-292-8989 or 811.
Eldon’s Outdoor Warning System
The warning system is in place to warn residents of tornados or severe thunderstorms with wind speeds expected to reach or exceed 70 mph.
When the sirens are activated, go inside to the lowest level, most-interior room of the structure and tune to NOAA All-Hazards Radio or the local media for more detailed information on the storm’s location, timing, and intensity.
The intent of the sirens is to provide ample warning for persons to seek shelter and additional information before the storm hits. Because of this, sirens may sound before hazardous conditions exist. Due to the nature of severe weather, hazardous conditions may also develop before an activation of the sirens is possible.
The safest approach is to be proactive and use all of the information available to protect yourself and your family from threatening weather. Nothing can replace common sense. If a storm is approaching, the lightning alone is a threat. Sirens are only one part of a warning system that includes preparation, NOAA All-Hazards Radio, and the local media.
Outdoor warning sirens shall be tested on the first Saturday of each month at 12:00pm (noon). A “growl” test may be performed on the third Saturday of each month at 12:00pm. A “growl” test activates the system without the full audible alert.
If a severe weather watch or warning is in effect for Wapello County area prior to 12:00pm on a scheduled test day, the sirens should not be tested that day. Outdoor warning siren tests will resume on the next scheduled monthly date. The Board of Directors of McHaffey Opera House would like to thank everyone who continues to support our efforts to maintain and restore the 131-year-old historic building. We operate on a solely volunteer basis so any money you spend at our fundraisers goes right back into the building, helping to keep it a viable asset to the community. We will have the second floor open for tours on Saturday during Gothic Days. Hours will be posted. Eldon memorabilia will be on display on the first floor. We’ve starting posting featured items for sale on our Facebook page each Wednesday. On Saturdays, we post an Eldon area news item from the past for local history lovers.
GOTHIC DAYS EVENTS June 10th, 11th and 12th
7:00pm to 11:00pm Street Dance Music by Dallas City Limits
The Lunch Lady will be serving food.
7:00am to 10:00am Breakfast- Eldon United Methodist Church
8:00am 5K at the American Gothic House Center
10:00am Parade
11:00am to 1:00pm Chicken BBQ Dinner
1:00pm Frog Jumping Contest
1:30pm Bags Tournament
2:30pm Cardboard Boat Races
7:00am Breakfast- Fire Station
12:00pm Mud Volleyball
Check the GATE Facebook page for more information!
Eldon Alumni will meet Friday at Hotel Ottumwa and Saturday at the Eldon Library Hall.
Wapello County Fair June 15th through June 19th
June 15th
6:00pm – Twilight Horse Races
7:00pm – Little Miss & Queen Contest
June 16th
11:30am – Free lunch for seniors with paid admission to harness races
12:00pm – Harness Races
3:30pm – Bill Riley Talent Show – Free Admission
6:30pm – Car Races
June 17th
1:00pm – Goat Show
8:30pm – Hairball
June 18th
9:00am – Antique Tractor Show
9:00am – Fishing Contest
10:0am – Free Kid’s Events and Wall Climb
12:00pm – Pedal Pull
1:00pm – Lamb Show
2:00pm – Baby Contest
7:30pm – Travis Denning
9:00pm – Niko Moon
June 19th
9:00am – Antique Tractor Show
12:00pm – Swine Show
12:00pm – Redneck Rally
12:30pm – Beef Show
1:00pm – Free Canvas Painting
3:30pm – Auction of chain saw art and quilt
Miller’s Petting Zoo will be there on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Kenny’s Funland Midway will be there Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Volunteers are needed to help, please sign up at
2022 Holidays and Events
Acoustic Music Jam Session at the Rock Island Park
Every 1st Saturday starting at noon. May through October.
May 12th Spring Clean up
May 14th through September 10th Wapello County Fair Race Schedule
We will be running Modifieds, Sport Mods, Sport Compact, Hobby Stock and Stock Cars this year.
May 14th, June 11th, June 16th, July 9th, August 6th and September 10th
May 6th and 7th Eldon Methodist Church
Rummage and Bake Sale from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Ham & beans, sandwiches and salad will be served from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
May 12th Spring Clean-up
Contact city hall with any questions.
May 30st Memorial Day Observed
Garbage service will be held on Tuesday, May 31st.
June 10th, 11th and 12th Gothic Days * Check the GATE Facebook page for more information!
June 15th through 19th Wapello County Fair * Check the website for more information!
June 26th through June 30th Living Hope Bible Church
Vacation Bible School ~ Call 652-3420 or go to their website for more information.
July 4th Independence Day Observed
Garbage service will be held on Tuesday, July 5th.
July 8th Supper at the KD Center
The Methodist Church will be hosting a Fried Chicken Supper.
July 11th through July 15th Living Hope Bible Church
Victory Sports Camp~ Call 652-3420 or go to their website for more information.
July 30th Rib Cook Off at the Wapello County Fair Grounds
August 3rd through August 5th Living Hope Bible Church
Living Hope Bible Camp at Forrest Lake ~ Call 652-3420 or go to their website for more information.
August 20th 5K Fun Run
September 23rd, 24th and 25th Old Iron Show and Swap Meet
Car show, tractor show, kiddie tractor pull, tractor games and crafts.
Free Model A and Model T rides. Free horse & buggy rides.
New Hope Lodge will be hosting breakfast and lunch.
The Methodist Church and Christian Church will announce their dates for
Vacation Bible School at a later date.
American Gothic House Center
The American Gothic House will be open the second Saturday of each month from now until October.
The American Gothic House Center invites students from any school district as well as the general public to participate in our annual amateur art contest. Art work must be submitted with entry form by May 27th at 5:00pm. All art work will be displayed inside the American Gothic House
June 10th, 11th, and 12th during Gothic Days. No entry fee is required.
The annual 5K Walk/Run will be held on Saturday, June 11th at 8:00am. Registration begins at 7:15am at the American Gothic House Center.
Eldon Uptown/Downtown
Uptown/Downtown continues to make progress on the “Rocket Room.” The interior has been demoed and the original wood floors have been sanded in preparation for the final finish. Interior demo and restoration of the apartment above Whitey’s will begin this summer.
We are in the process of making plans for American Gothic Days, and will have the buildings that have been restored open to the public. We want to share the progress that has been made.
UTDT continues to raise money for our mission to restore, revitalize and maintain Eldon’s business district. We will be selling raffle tickets for a kayak in June and July.
Thank you to all who have purchased the book “Eldon Home of the American Gothic House.” Books are available for purchase by calling 641-799-5422 or emailing They will also be sold during American Gothic Days June 10th through the 12th. Thank you to all for your continued support.